Sunday, November 1, 2009

Local honey. Just how local?

If you dread the first spring blooms because of seasonal allergies, local honey may just be the solution. It prevents the symptoms of seasonal allergies. Consuming about 2 table spoons of local honey a day works exactly like an allergy shot. By exposing yourself to small amounts of allergens you help your body build immunity to them.

However to rip the most benefit you have to find out where it is coming from.
Some people ask me about how local the honey has to be to get the most allergy relief. It is great idea to consume raw, unprocessed local honeys that is no farther than 100 mile radius from where you live and work, because it is the local vegetation that is releasing the irritants into the atmosphere that are causing allergies. You have to get ready for the season months in advance by consuming honey to build up immunity.

Start out by taking small amount of honey and gradually increase doses to about 2 table spoons per day. Remember the honey should be raw, which means it has to be straight out of hives- unprocessed, unpasteurized and unheated. Excessive heating that honey goes through in the process called pasteurization removes many of the minerals and qualities of honey that make it HONEY.

But not only does honey cures from allergy it has many health benefits and medicinal qualities. Honey fights infection and aids tissue healing, it helps reduce inflammation and scarring. In addition, it is often used for treating digestive problems such as diarrhea, indigestion, stomach ulcers and gastroenteritis. What is more honey is much more affordable than buying over the counter medications which may have unknown side effects. As you see this amazing natural product not only has all the health benefits but tastes delicious and is perfect with tea.

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